Eine Ära geht zu Ende, denn wie GLORYHAMMER verkündeten, haben sie sich von Frontmann Thomas „Angus McFife“ Winkler überraschent getrennt.
Die Power/True Metaller GLORYHAMMER rund um ALESTORM Boss Chris Bowes haben auf Facebook folgendes Statement zur Trennung von ihrem Sänger gepostet:
Kurz drauf ergänzte man:
„To our fans,
Auch Thomas selbst meldete sich bereits zu Wort:
„Dear friends and fans of Gloryhammer,
This morning I received an e-mail from the band, informing me that they want to part ways with me. As a reason they mentioned disagreements on business and organizational matters.
I am at loss of words. The only thing I can say is that I regard this as a bad decision for every party involved – the band as well as myself, and especially the fans. It’s hard to believe that our concert at Bloodstock Festival last Sunday suddenly turns out to be our last show together.
After getting used t this new situation, I promise you that I will use the split as a chance to embark on a quest to new muscial shores in the future, still to be sttled in the rock and metal realm.
In the meantime, I will keep you updated and hope you sta in touch. I appreciate the great support you gave me over the last ten years. Without you, this wouldnt have been the same.
Tom / Angus McFife“