Heute kündigen HAMMERFALL stolz ihr 13. Studioalbum Avenge The Fallen an, das am 9. August über Nuclear Blast Records erscheinen wird. Die erste Single „Hail To The King“ ist bereits erschienen.

Weniger als ein Jahr nach der letzten Verbeugung der „United Forces“-Tour ist das Quintett HAMMERFALL, bestehend aus Gitarrist Oscar Dronjak, Sänger Joacim Cans, Bassist Fredrik Larsson, Gitarrist Pontus Norgen und Schlagzeuger David Wallin, mit zehn brandneuen, soliden Stücken klassischen Heavy Metals zurück.

Stolz verkündet Sänger Joacim Cans:
This is our 13th album. How do you still stay relevant after 13 albums? It’s very much like the opening line to the song „Avenge The Fallen“: “What is the worst, be the one who died, or be the one who survived.
Think about it, because it is a tough question”.

“Do we want to be a band who releases new music just for the sole reason of getting out on the road again or do we want to keep pushing and challenging ourselves? In times where people have less and less attention span, we still think in the form of full length albums. A few good songs don’t make a strong album. A strong album comes from an album full a great songs and that’s what we’re delivering with Avenge The Fallen.” 


Um den Fans einen Vorgeschmack auf das zu geben, was sie erwartet, veröffentlicht die Band die erste Single und das Video „Hail To The King“. Ein Song, der auf der Straße geboren wurde….

Oscar Dronjak erinnert:
I began working on ´Hail To The King´ while on tour in the US with Helloween”, Oscar Dronjak recalls. “By the end of the tour, I was getting close to wrapping the song up, so straight after the Los Angeles gig I headed to the bus where I worked like a mad man to get the last pieces together. That turned out to be the show where one of my favourite wrestlers, Chris Jericho, came to visit. It was also the show where Fredrik met his idol Frank Bello from Anthrax and Joacim met Jay Ruston, producer for Armored Saints, Avatar, Anthrax, Corey Taylor and more and whom after this meeting agreed to produce the vocals for ´Avenge The Fallen´! I missed all that, but I at least got a great song out of it, haha!”

Joacim Cans – vocals
Oscar Dronjak – guitar
Fredrik Larsson  – bass
Pontus Norgen – guitar
David Wallin – drums




hammerfall - hail to the king hammerfall - hail to the king HAMMERFALL - "Hail To The King" als Vorbote zum neuen Album




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